The following areas of concentration are offered to assist students planning to transfer to a four-year college and major in the area listed. Theses suggestions are designed for students who have not yet selected a four-year college. In all cases, any student who has chosen the college or university to which he/she intends to transfer should consult that institution’s catalog or transfer handbook in planning a program.

Baccalaureate Transfer Options

  • Pre-Dentistry – Associate of Science
    • Students planning to enter dentistry school should consult the entrance requirement of the school they plan to attend.
  • Pre-Forestry – Associate of Science
    • Suggested courses for the Pre-Forestry Concentration: General Science, including BIOL 101, 102, 210; CHEM 131, 132
    • Additional suggested courses: MATH 117; PHYS 101; and courses in accounting, business, and economics
    • Since the study of special forestry courses generally comes during the third and fourth years of a bachelor’s degree program, students desiring a B.S. in forestry should select General Science as their area of concentration at Richland.
  • Pre-Law – Associate of Arts or Associate of Science
    • Students planning to pursue a law degree should follow the suggestions for a Political Science concentration.
  • Pre-Medicine – Associate of Science
    • Students planning to enter medical school should consult the entrance requirements of the institution they plan to enter.
  • Pre-Veterinary – Associate of Science
    • For purposes of identifying an area of concentration at Richland, Biology is recommended as an area of concentration.
    • Additional suggested courses: CHEM 131, 132

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